Monday, November 28, 2011

It's been awhile

Yup it's been awhile since I last wrote. Not a whole lot is really going on here. Just been busy working and taking care of Cierra.

Work - well, it's okay. It's work. It's retail. Not an amazing job, but it's a job. It will do for now.

Cierra - she's good. Super excited for Christmas to come. And Snow. And time off of school for Christmas.

Me - I'm doing okay, just busy like I said. Don't have a lot of time for anything besides being a mom and working, but that's okay. Most of my friends understand and don't get upset, but the ones that do, need to GET a job or just relax lol.

Well....honestly that's about it. I have to go dry Cierra's hair after her bath and get her into bed. Work tomorrow at 4pm until 11pm.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Updating before I go to work

Well, work is work. Not a bad place so far, but I've only been there a couple days, so it's still a learning process for me. I've only had one person NOT understand that I was new, and the customer behind her said that she goes through the line at the grocery store she works at and is the same way if it's not SUPER fast. Oh well, not gonna let it bother me. Some people out there are just stupid bitches so oh well. LOL.Those who don't know, I got a job at Target. :)

Besides work, not a lot is going on. Just been watching football, baseball and hockey. The teams I like for football (University of Michigan and the Detroit Lions) are BOTH undefeated! Michigan is 6-0 (and most likely will be 7-0 after next weekend when we play Michigan state) so we automatically get to go to a bowl game now, no matter WHAT happens the rest of the season and the Lions are 4-0, about to be 5-0 tomorrow when we play the Bears (So I hope anyway lol). Baseball, I am a Detroit Tigers fan and they are in the playoffs and are playing the Texas Rangers in the 2nd round. They lost last night, but there are still more games to be played, so losing one game is okay. And hockey, the Detroit Red Wings started off their regular season 2-0 so that's good too.

Cierra is doing well, she was sick for a bit, but now she's feeling a LOT better. So far so good with me, I haven't gotten my yearly horrible sickness, which is GREAT 'cuz I need this job I got lol.

Everyone else is doing well too.

Well I think that's about it, I work in a lil over 2 hours so I gotta go and eat and get ready for work. I'll update again soon.

Survey time:

what is your best friend’s name? I have a few, theres Brea, Brandy, Stephanie and Shane
how long have you been friends for? Brea - 16 years, Brandy about 18 years, Stephanie - 3 years and Shane 6 years
do you have a boyfriend? Nope
if so; what’s his name? n/a
how long have you been together? n/a
who was your last text message from? Shane
could you live without your computer? No
facebook or myspace? Facebook
do you like thunder & lightning storms? Yes, as long as they don't get too severe
have you ever travelled out of the country? Yep
has someone ever made you a scrapbook? No
what color is the room you are in right now? Tan and white
is there a tv in the room your in? Yes
have you ever had surgery? Yes
if so; on what/why? I had a c-section to have my daughter
do you regret something you’ve done this year? Yeah, posting something about a good friend on FB. But it's all past us now and he's forgiven me and we're good
do you have any pets? yes, 3 cats
are you on a desktop or a laptop? I am on a laptop
are you a morning or night type of person? night, I hate waking up
are you easy to talk to? I'd say I am
whats your favorite number? I don't have one honestly
do you have a pool? No :(
do you enjoy “liking” or “becoming a fan” of things on facebook? Sure, otherwise I wouldn't do it....
have you eaten dinner yet? No because it's not dinnertime, I'm eating a late lunch
are you hot or cold? comfortable
what’s your emotion? stressed
texting anyone? not at this moment
listening to? nothing
do you get along with your family? the immediate family yes
whom are you closest to in your family? I don't know, my mom I guess
parents together or divorced? divorced
siblings? 2 step brothers
how many cousins do you have? I don't know about 35 or so
are you close to them? No, not anymore :(

Monday, August 29, 2011

About a week....

.......until my baby is a 2nd grader!! Where has this summer gone?! It's gone by wayyyy too fast and I am sooo not ready for cold weather again that will quickly follow the start of the school year. I will have some pics to post soon of her first day of school, like I do every year.

I went school clothes shopping the other day and got some clothes for her, and she got her backpack and lunch box already, we just need to get a couple supplies and some ice packs for her lunch box and she will be all set.

I think in a little bit I will take some pics of her new clothes and her backpack and lunch box and all post them.

Well...that's really about it. I will write again later.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Can't believe it's August already.

I can't believe we are 5 days into August already!! Time has gone by sooo fast this year. Before I know it my little girl will be in 2nd grade.

We haven't really done a lot this summer, just a trip up north to visit my dad. Which was fun and all, and we're going again on Tuesday, and will be there until Friday morning, Which should be fun, if it doesn't rain, which according to the site, it's supposed to...every single day. We shall see though.

 Other than that, this weekend is my mom and step dad's 18th anniversary. Not sure what's going on for that. We might all go to the zoo on Monday.

Right now, Cierra and I are just sitting here, not doing much, I'm about to do some laundry and clean up the kitchen, but that's really it.

Anyway, time to get going.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

People in my Life

Cierra - She's my daughter and the most wonderful thing in my life. She's 7 years old. She is going to be in 2nd grade come September.  I can't believe she's going to be in 2nd grade. Where has the time gone? Her "father"
is not involved in her life, but that's okay, we're perfectly fine without him. He doesn't WANT to be in her life and I refuse to force it. And no, he does not pay child support, he's not on the birth certificate so he has no legal rights to my daughter.

Larry - My step dad. He and my mother got married in 1993. Hard to believe they've been married that long LOL.

Mom aka Renee - That's self explanatory.

Dad aka Fred - That's self explanatory

Ginny - My dad's girlfriend, who he's been with for almost 15 years. I guess she's kinda my step mom?

Mike - Ginny's oldest son.

Dave - Ginny's other son.

Shane - My best guy friend. He's an amazing man and I miss him like crazy when he's not in Michigan, he lives in Kansas and comes home twice a year for a week or so at a time.

Brandy - I've known Brandy forever. Probably since like 5th grade or so. She lives in Chicago at the moment but is trying to move back to Michigan, to be closer to her family, friends and boyfriend, David. She's my best female friend

Stephanie - I met her through Brandy, I've only known her for a couple years, but she is a good friend nonetheless.

Brea - One of my best friends as well. I've known her since 6th grade. I miss her though, she lives in Portland, OR.

Jason - Another good friend, most of the time. We have our issues, but oh well.

Andrew - Pretty much the same as Jason

Felicia - Andrew's g/f.

That's really it, for now anyway, for people that is. My cats are, Pita, she's an all black cat and is 10 years old, Milo, he's an orange tiger cat and is 2 1/2 almost and Lucky, aka One Eye, is a cat that showed up on our porch one day, he's one eyed, no idea why, and is also an orange tiger cat,  no clue to how old he is, he's an outdoor cat for the most part until we get him to the vet.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Introduction to my life

Well, first of all, my name is Ashley. I am a 29 year old single mama 2 a little girl named Cierra. Cierra is 7 years old. We live in Michigan right now, in the Ann Arbor area. For the time being, we live with my parents, and I am a SAHM. I am looking for work, any job at the moment, just to get able to be on my own.

Cierra's "father" is not involved in Cierra's life, and it is better that way. I am ok with it 100%. I just don't know how to explain to her what happened. If anyone wants to know, ask. I might put that here one day, but we'll see.

I really don't have that much more to say for an intro. I will do another entry later on about the people you will hear about in my blogs.

Thanks for reading!
